فارسی عربي

Tehran Short filmfest receives 1000-plus works

The Tehran International Short Film Festival closes submission with 1584 entries.

The Tehran International Short Film Festival (TISFF) in Iran has closed submission with a total of 1584 entries.

Of the submitted works to the 37th edition of the event, some 1028 have been short narrative films, 248 short documentaries, 22 short experimental films and 88 short animations.

According to the secretariat of the fest, the submission deadline was closed on August 22.

Organized by Iranian Youth Cinema Society (IYCS), the festival is held annually in Iranian capital city of Tehran to provide an opportunity for young filmmakers to exchange their experiences.

The organizers plan to promote the festival and introduce its activities to the world through increased interactions with foreign short film markets and filmmakers.

The 2020 edition of the event aims to identify and introduce the best short works at the national and international levels and to create constructive competition between filmmakers.

The 37th edition of the TISFF is to be held online due to the coronavirus pandemic on October 28 - November 3, 2020.

